Arctic Plunge

mood video & Stock photo / video Content

The Campaign

The Task

Creating a coherent set of visuals that form the aesthetic basis of Arctic Plunge, a leading ice baths & accessories vendor in Switzerland. 

Content requirements included a short, cinematic mood video, a set of still images for web and social media, as well as some vertically oriented short-form videos.

The Solution

Project timeline and budget only allowed for a single afternoon of production. Triangulating weather and snow conditions, and pacing quickly through the different scenes and shots, we were able to “wrap” just in time before light started to fade.

The Challenge

Although visually inspiring, the deep winter posed an exceptional challenge for our team: Temperatures ranged from -7 to -10°C during the production, water for the ice bath had to be pumped from the already frozen lake and hence shooting time inside the icy water was severely limited for our models.